Is this your first visit to the new myqccbluelink.com website?
Please be sure to register on your first visit, even if you were registered on the old website or app.
REGISTERFor email support for technical issues, report a problem with myqccbluelink.com.
For questions concerning your health benefits, please refer to the customer service telephone number on the back of your BlueLink TPA ID card. If this number is unavailable, email Customer Service.
Your personalized online health care resource!
Please be sure to register on your first visit, even if you were registered on the old website or app.
REGISTERFind the right doctor for you. The new streamlined provider finder helps you find doctors by location, specialty, rating, and more!
SEARCHMaximize your BlueLink prescription drug coverage by understanding the formulary and in-network pharmacies.
LEARN MOREThe new myqccbluelink.com is designed with you in mind — that means a fresh, clean look and the info you need up-front and center.
Learn about the latest enhancements with this quick demo.